European Jobs® - Ai Resume Scoring

Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d)


Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d)


Im Geschäftsbereich des Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klima, Mobilität, Agrar und Verbraucherschutz

 ist beim

Landesbetrieb für Straßenbau (LfS)

im Fachbereich Personal die Stelle als

Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d)

zu besetzen.

Die Besetzung kann nach Möglichkeit in Vollzeit und Teilzeit erfolgen, sofern die betriebsorganisatorisch erforderliche Servicezeit bis 15:30 Uhr abgedeckt werden kann. Bei einem Interesse an Teilzeitbeschäftigung bitten wir Sie, in der Bewerbung den gewünschten Beschäftigungsumfang anzugeben.

Die Einstellung erfolgt zunächst befristet für die Dauer von 2 Jahren. Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach dem Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) und erfolgt in der Entgeltgruppe 6 TV-L.

Great News! We've discovered an exciting live job opportunity for a position in Neunkirchen. This job is currently open for hiring/recruiting by , exclusively for you at European Jobs. Feel free to download the job details 📥 here.

Yes, we found live job(s) for in according to European Jobs.

jobs are available in Europe according to European Jobs Data dated 2024-05-01.

The average salary range for Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d) in Neunkirchen varies, but the standard pay scale is rated A in Neunkirchen. Salary levels may vary depending on your industry, experience, and skills. It's essential to research and negotiate effectively.

To apply for a job at Saarland, visit their official website or career page and follow their application process. You can also find job listings for on European Jobs and apply through our platform.

Key qualifications for Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d) typically include a list of qualifications and expertise as outlined in . Be sure to check the specific job listing for detailed requirements and qualifications.

The work culture at Saarland must adhere to the as described in the Ethical framework of the UN Charter. You can gain more insights into their local workplace environment by exploring their jobs at and also by visiting their official website through .

You can set up job alerts for Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d) in Neunkirchen by creating a on European Jobs. Our AI system will automatically notify you when new job listings matching your criteria become available.

Benefits for Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d) positions may include a list of benefits. These can vary from company to company, so it's important to review the specific job listing for details on benefits offered by the employer.

Not all jobs have remote job opportunities available. However, nowadays, many companies offer remote work options. You can find remote job listings for on European Jobs.

To improve your chances of getting hired for Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d), consider improving your skills. Also, make sure to check your Resume/CV Score with our free Tool. Additionally, it is worth noting that European Jobs has an in-built AI Resume Scoring tool that will give you the matching score for each job based on your Resume/CV once it is uploaded. This can also help you align your Resume/CV according to the job requirements and enhance your skills if you fall short of them.